Port Truck Gate Schedule for Lincoln’s Birthday 2025

Terminals at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach have announced schedules for the week of Lincoln’s Birthday from Tuesday, Feb. 11 to Thursday, Feb. 13, 2025. The schedule is posted below, and a PDF of the schedule can be downloaded by clicking here

Please continue to monitor the websites of individual terminals for updates.

PierPass Diverts 48 Million Truck Trips From Los Angeles / Long Beach Peak Traffic Since 2005

LONG BEACH, Calif., July 21, 2020 – PierPass Inc. announced that its OffPeak Program has taken 48 million truck trips out of daytime Southern California traffic since the program’s inception in July 2005. OffPeak reduces cargo-related congestion and pollution in and around the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach by diverting truck trips to night and Saturday shifts funded by the program.

The number of annual truck trips to and from the ports rose 20% between 2005 and 2019, a period that saw no significant expansion of nearby highway capacity.

“The PierPass OffPeak program has helped the LA/LB ports continue operating as a major source of jobs in Southern California,” said Congressman Alan Lowenthal. “I was very proud to spearhead the legislative effort that led both to the creation of PierPass and to extended hours at the ports.”

The OffPeak Program established regular night and Saturday work shifts at the two adjacent ports. The expanded shifts are primarily funded by a Traffic Mitigation Fee (TMF) levied on loaded containers entering and exiting the ports by truck.

Because there is no fee on intermodal cargo (containers leaving or arriving by rail), the TMF is paid by cargo headed for Southern California and other nearby destinations. For example, containers arriving from Asia and leaving the ports by rail to other parts of the U.S. don’t pay the TMF.

“PierPass is a prime example of the private sector joining together to take coordinated action to address the needs of the goods movement industry and the needs of the community,” Rep. Lowenthal added. “Their OffPeak program has helped our economy, our workers, and the health of our residents.”

The OffPeak Program was restructured in November 2018 after an 18-month process of consultation with industry stakeholders, and an analysis and survey by industry consultants. The revised program, informally called “PierPass 2.0,” reduces traffic congestion by spreading cargo movement across two shifts using appointments.

Heavy-duty trucks are the largest source of smog-forming nitrogen oxide emissions and toxic diesel exhaust in the region. By decreasing the time that trucks are idling and stuck in traffic, the OffPeak program has also helped to improve air quality.

“The severe traffic impacts caused by cargo movement in the pre-PierPass era of daytime-only operation is becoming a distant memory,” said PierPass President John Cushing. “The program has enabled Southern California’s distribution centers and warehouses to regularly operate a second shift, and has been a model for other ports around the country that have created their own programs for extended gates.”

One Year In, “PierPass 2.0” Smooths Truck Traffic at Los Angeles & Long Beach Ports

One Year In, “PierPass 2.0” Smooths Truck Traffic at Los Angeles & Long Beach Ports

Ample Appointments Available

LONG BEACH, Calif., Dec. 2, 2019—In the year since PierPass launched an appointments-based system for trucks picking up containers at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, long late-afternoon queues have been eliminated, and ample appointment opportunities are available for each container. On average, port terminals are offering about a third more appointment slots than there are containers to be picked up.

Terminals have also been working with the trucking community and other stakeholders to add new types of appointment-based services to help truckers achieve greater efficiency, taking advantage of the scalability and flexibility they gained by switching to an appointment-based system.

“Terminals continue offering at least two peak shift and two off-peak shift appointments for each container prior to free time expiration, providing multiple options for each pickup,” said John Cushing, President and CEO of PierPass. “Over the past year, many terminals have also introduced new services. All of this gives the cargo community an enhanced traffic mitigation system, which is running smoothly one year in.”

The OffPeak program was restructured in November 2018. The revised program, informally called “PierPass 2.0,” reduces traffic congestion by spreading cargo movement across two shifts, using appointments rather than the daytime-only Traffic Mitigation Fee (TMF) used in the original OffPeak program that started in 2005. From July 2005 through October 2019, OffPeak has diverted 46.7 million truck trips from Los Angeles weekday daytime traffic.

The revised OffPeak program has achieved the major objectives of the overhaul, including eliminating the long truck queues that previously formed in late afternoons as trucks waited outside the terminals until 6:00 p.m. to avoid the TMF. All 12 terminals report that the late-afternoon queues outside their gates have been eliminated.

Appointments for Exports and Empties

Under the common business rules of the revised OffPeak program, all terminals provide appointments for picking up import containers. Over the past year, many terminals have also begun offering appointments for dropping off export and empty containers. These services make it easier to arrange dual transactions, with a single truck trip dropping off one container and picking up another one.

Of the 12 terminals, eight now offer appointments for exports and for empties.

“One of the advantages we expected from shifting to an appointments-based system was increased flexibility, allowing terminals to continue innovating to improve efficiency and meet evolving market needs,” Cushing said. “We are very pleased and encouraged to see this expectation being achieved.”

Same Day Canceling and Rebooking Capability

In another operational improvement, most terminals are now allowing same-day canceling and rebooking of appointments if an appointment is available. Terminals were able to make this enhancement through software modifications.

Also, one terminal has begun allowing trucking companies to make appointments for picking up containers several days before the ship docks, allowing truckers to better plan their workloads.

“The new appointment-based PierPass system is working, and we are encouraged that the terminals are responding to our recommendations for additional improvements to their appointment systems,” said Weston LaBar, CEO of the Harbor Trucking Association. “We continue working with PierPass and the terminals to make the container pickup and delivery process faster and smoother for truckers and their customers.”

By providing additional shifts during off-peak hours, PierPass has allowed the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach to make better use of their infrastructure and investments, allowing cargo volume to grow without negatively impacting traffic conditions.

Prior to the creation of PierPass in 2005, the two ports were struggling to handle cargo volume during the five existing shifts per week, causing severe traffic congestion. Significant capacity remains during the four additional shifts terminals are currently providing per week.

Appointments Remain Ample, No-Show Rate Holds Steady

During the third calendar quarter of 2019, a weighted average of 30% of available daytime appointments and 41% of available nighttime appointments went unused. This indicates that, on an aggregate basis, more than enough appointment slots are being made available by terminals.

When the program began last year, the percentage of no-shows (when the trucker fails to appear for an appointment) averaged between the mid-20s and the low-30s. For both of the past two quarters, no-shows were down to an average of 14% of peak-hour appointments and 15% of off-peak appointments, as terminals continued meetings and follow-up with trucking companies that repeatedly miss their appointments.

More information about the revised OffPeak program is available at https://www.pierpass.org/about/offpeak-2-0/. PierPass is the agent of the West Coast MTO Agreement (WCMTOA), a discussion agreement filed with the FMC. WCMTOA’s members are the 12 marine terminal operators at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.

FMC Clears PierPass to Start Revised OffPeak Program on Nov. 19

LONG BEACH, Calif., Nov 15, 2018—The Federal Maritime Commission has cleared PierPass to launch its revised OffPeak program of extended gate hours at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach beginning Monday, Nov. 19.

The revised OffPeak program, informally called PierPass 2.0, replaces the original OffPeak congestion-pricing model with a system using appointments to mitigate traffic. It uses a reduced Traffic Mitigation Fee (TMF) across all hours of terminal operation to help offset the cost of operating extended gates.

Cargo owners moving containers into and out of the ports by truck gate and who aren’t already registered with PierPass can do so at https://www.pierpass-tmf.org/.

As previously announced, the current TMF of $72.09 per TEU (twenty-foot equivalent unit) will be reduced to $31.52 per TEU or $63.04 for all other size containers. The TMF will be charged during all shifts on all days.

PierPass set up the OffPeak program in 2005 to relieve severe congestion in and around the ports. It established new night and Saturday shifts during which trucks can move cargo containers to and from the terminals. The new changes to the OffPeak program are being made in response to requests from port users, who seek increased flexibility and a reduction in the bunching up of trucks that often occurs before the start of the nighttime OffPeak shifts.

More information about the revised OffPeak program is available at https://www.pierpass.org/about/offpeak-2-0/. PierPass is the agent of the West Coast MTO Agreement (WCMTOA), a discussion agreement filed with the FMC. WCMTOA’s members are the 12 marine terminal operators at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.

PierPass to Adopt Appointment System and Flat Fee for OffPeak Program

LONG BEACH, Calif., April 16, 2018—PierPass will overhaul the model used by its OffPeak program for truck traffic mitigation at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, replacing the current congestion pricing model with an appointment-based system that uses a single flat fee on both daytime and nighttime container moves.

The members of the West Coast MTO Agreement (WCMTOA)—the 12 marine terminal operators at the two adjacent ports—reached the decision after an 18-month process of consultation with industry stakeholders, and an analysis and survey by industry consultants.

Port users have expressed a desire for changes to increase flexibility and reduce the bunching up of trucks that often occurs before the start of the nighttime OffPeak shifts. Subject to regulatory approval, the revised OffPeak program is expected to begin in August.

“The industry has been demanding ‘PierPass 2.0,’ and we are responding,” said PierPass President John Cushing. “The original OffPeak program was an innovative and highly effective solution to the challenges we faced in 2005. But it was fairly inflexible, whereas an appointment-based model is scalable and can evolve to meet changing industry needs, technology and practices.”

Under the current program, OffPeak charges a Traffic Mitigation Fee (TMF) on weekday daytime cargo moves to incentivize cargo owners to use OffPeak shifts on nights and Saturdays. The revised OffPeak program will replace this two-tier fee structure with a single flat TMF during both shifts, and use appointments to spread traffic across the two shifts.

Applying the TMF to both day and night cargo will allow a reduction of more than 55 percent in the TMF while still providing funding to operate extended gates. The current TMF of $72.09 per TEU (twenty-foot equivalent unit) will be replaced by a new flat fee of $31.52 per TEU; the rate for all other container sizes will be a flat fee of $63.04.

“The Port of Long Beach is pleased with the progress PierPass has made in working with industry stakeholders to improve night gate operations in our terminals,” said Port of Long Beach Executive Director Mario Cordero. “As ships are getting bigger and volumes increase, efficient gate management is critical to our ability to move cargo in a reliable, predictable and expedient manner.”

“I’m pleased and encouraged that PierPass members are taking a significant step forward to improve efficiencies at the San Pedro Bay port complex,” said Port of Los Angeles Executive Director Gene Seroka. “We, as well as the trucking community and all of our stakeholders, look forward to increased cargo velocity and customer responsiveness at Port facilities.”

The process of reviewing OffPeak alternatives has included a series of meetings beginning with an October 2016 workshop where WCMTOA met with more than 70 leaders representing importers, exporters, trucking companies, logistics providers, elected officials, government representatives, port authorities and other supply chain stakeholders. After a series of subsequent stakeholder meetings to delve into potential alternative models, PierPass retained industry consultants to conduct a detailed analysis. The consultants’ findings were presented and discussed at a follow-up industry workshop on March 8, 2018. WCMTOA members then worked through the remaining issues to arrive at the final plan for the revised OffPeak program.

“The California Trucking Association appreciates the proposal put forth by PierPass regarding its re-structuring of the TMF,” said Alex Cherin, Executive Director of the CTA Intermodal Conference. “This is the culmination of many collaborative discussions between the marine terminal operators and trucking communities over the last few years, and we look forward to supporting these efforts.”

“The HTA has worked hard with our marine terminal colleagues to create a more efficient and environmentally sustainable port complex,” said Weston LaBar, CEO of the Harbor Trucking Association. “This new direction for PierPass is another example of cross-industry collaboration and is a giant step in the right direction. It shows that the San Pedro Bay Port Complex will continue to be the preferred gateway for moving America’s cargo.”

A Q&A about the revised OffPeak program is available at www.pierpass.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/QA-on-New-OffPeak-Program_4-16-18.pdf. The West Coast MTO Agreement is a discussion agreement filed with the FMC. For more information and to track continuing developments, please go to www.pierpass.org.


PierPass Retains Tioga Group to Evaluate Extended Gate Options

LONG BEACH, Calif., Nov. 6, 2017—PierPass has retained the consulting firm The Tioga Group Inc. and its partner World Class Logistics (WCL) Consulting Inc. to evaluate alternative models for providing the traffic mitigation benefits of extended gates at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, which are offered through the OffPeak program.

Tioga will analyze the traffic, commercial and operational impacts of two potential alternatives to the current model used by OffPeak, which mitigates traffic congestion caused by port truck operations through encouraging the pickup and delivery of containers on weeknights or Saturdays.

Tioga, based in Philadelphia, has extensive experience analyzing operational issues for North American freight transportation, producing reports including the Cargo Handling Cooperative Program’s “Improving Marine Container Terminal Productivity,” the National Cooperative Freight Research Program’s “Truck Drayage Productivity Guide,” and numerous planning studies for individual West Coast ports. WCL has deep experience working with cargo owners, ports, railroads and other goods movement groups.

The two alternatives under consideration are appointments to control traffic flow combined with a flat fee on both daytime and nighttime cargo moves; and port-wide peel-off, in which trucks would operate like taxis in an airport queue, each truck picking up the next container in the stack. Hybrid models may also be considered.

PierPass launched the OffPeak program in 2005 to reduce severe cargo-related congestion on local streets and highways around the Los Angeles and Long Beach ports. Using a congestion pricing model, PierPass charges a Traffic Mitigation Fee (TMF) on weekday daytime cargo moves to incentivize cargo owners to use the OffPeak shifts on nights and Saturdays. The TMF also helps pay for the labor and other costs of operating the OffPeak shifts. PierPass manages the OffPeak Program as the agent of the West Coast MTO Agreement (WCMTOA), comprised of the 12 marine terminal operators (MTOs) at the two adjacent ports. More than 40 million truck trips have been diverted out of weekday daytime traffic in the Los Angeles area since the program began in 2005, dramatically decreasing congestion on the region’s streets and highways.

Hiring Tioga is an important step in the process through which the WCMTOA members are working with other industry stakeholders to review alternative methods to provide the benefits of extended gates. An alternative model must continue to spread truck traffic across the terminals’ daytime and nighttime shifts of operation, while continuing to fund the operation of extended gates.

The process has included a series of meetings that began at a workshop where WCMTOA met with more than 70 leaders representing importers, exporters, trucking companies, logistics providers, elected officials, government representatives, port authorities and other supply chain stakeholders. Subsequent meetings to address the issues surrounding the alternative models were held with the 40 supply chain stakeholders who together comprise the PierPass Advisory Committee (PPAC) and the Extended Gates Subcommittee (EGS).

Participants have highlighted a range of operational and commercial issues for consideration. In early May, participants recommended hiring a consulting firm to conduct a detailed analysis of the two remaining options. An RFP was issued to four consulting firms recommended by the working groups. Members of the PPAC and EGS participated in the scoring process to assist WCMTOA with its final selection of Tioga. Recommendations and a final report are expected during the first quarter of 2018.

CUT Terminal Closing – Last OffPeak Shift is Thursday 7/13; No TMF From 7/17

California United Terminals Inc. has announced it is closing its terminal at the Port of Los Angeles. Its last OffPeak shift will be Thursday night, June 13.

CUT is currently working its last vessel. It has advised that effective Monday, July 17, it will no longer offer an OffPeak shift, but will keep labor during the day to work the gates and yard through the end of July, when it will cease those operations as well.

Beginning Monday, July 17, CUT will no longer collect a Traffic Mitigation Fee on cargo moving during day shifts. For more information, please contact CUT at 310-521-5000.

A new schedule of OffPeak gates beginning July 17 is available at https://www.pierpass.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/RollingSchedule-170717_2.pdf and has been posted below.

TMF at Ports of LA and Long Beach to Increase 2.3% on August 1, 2017

LONG BEACH, Calif., June 27, 2017 – The West Coast MTO Agreement (WCMTOA) today announced that on August 1, 2017, the Traffic Mitigation Fee (TMF) at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach will increase by 2.3 percent. The adjustment matches the combined 2.3 percent increase in longshore wage and assessment rates that take effect on July 1.

Beginning August 1, the TMF will be $72.09 per TEU (twenty-foot equivalent unit) or $144.18 per forty-foot container. The TMF is charged only on containers that are moved between 3:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekdays. No TMF is due for containers moved during OffPeak shifts (6:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. on weekdays or 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays).

OffPeak provides these regular night and Saturday work shifts to handle trucks delivering and picking up containers at the 13 container terminals in the two adjacent ports. PierPass launched the OffPeak program in 2005 to reduce severe cargo-related congestion and air pollution on local streets and highways around the Los Angeles and Long Beach ports. Nearly half of all port truck trips now take place during the OffPeak shifts.

Using a congestion pricing model, PierPass charges a TMF on weekday daytime cargo moves to incentivize cargo owners to use the OffPeak shifts. The TMF also helps offset the cost of operating extended gate hours. Labor costs are the largest single component of extended gate costs.

According to an analysis by maritime industry consultants SC Analytics, the net costs incurred by the terminals to operate the OffPeak shifts in 2016 totaled $224.7 million. During that year, the terminals received $182.7 million from the TMF, offsetting about 81 percent of the OffPeak program’s costs.

About PierPass
PierPass is a not-for-profit company created by marine terminal operators at the Port of Los Angeles and Port of Long Beach to address multi-terminal issues such as congestion, air quality and security. The West Coast Marine Terminal Operator Agreement (WCMTOA) is filed with the Federal Maritime Commission, and comprises the 13 international MTOs serving the Los Angeles and Long Beach ports. For more information, please see www.pierpass.org.

PierPass Customer Service Numbers:
877-863-3310 (from inside the United States)
1-973-355-3575 (from outside the United States)

PierPass Will Retain Consultant to Evaluate Extended Gate Options

LONG BEACH, Calif., May 12, 2017—PierPass will retain a transportation consulting firm to evaluate the operational, business and traffic impacts of two alternative models for providing extended hours for truck gates at the marine terminals in the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.

The PierPass Advisory Committee (PPAC) and the Extended Gates Subcommittee met last week to review industry feedback received on two alternative models to the current OffPeak program and to identify key issues for the consultant to investigate.

The May 4 meeting continued a process that began at the Extended Gates Workshop held on Oct. 20, 2016, when the 13 marine terminals that comprise the West Coast MTO Agreement (WCMTOA) met with more than 70 leaders representing importers, exporters, trucking companies, logistics providers, government representatives, port authorities and other stakeholders.

Since then, the PPAC has held a series of meetings to review proposed models and make a recommendation to WCMTOA, which is responsible for deciding on any changes to the OffPeak program.

The three alternatives initially proposed were variable and dynamic pricing, under which the Traffic Mitigation Fee would be higher in times of high gate activity and lower in times of low gate activity; a lower flat fee applying to both day and night moves, with appointment systems to help regulate traffic flow; and port-wide peel-off, in which trucks would operate like taxis in an airport queue. Variable and dynamic pricing was subsequently eliminated from consideration. For more information on these models, see https://goo.gl/Vxi89y.

Since the Oct. 20 meeting, the following steps occurred:

  • On Nov. 3, detailed notes from the Oct. 20 meeting, including pros and cons of each model, were distributed to PPAC members and additional feedback was requested. Those notes became the original basis for the recommendations report being developed by the PPAC.
  • The PPAC met on Dec. 8 to begin developing the recommendations report. Participants reviewed industry feedback received and offered additional points of view. At this meeting, the variable and dynamic pricing model was removed from consideration as it had received no industry support.
  • On Feb. 1, an initial version of the recommendations report drafted by PierPass staff was distributed to PPAC for review and feedback.
  • The PPAC met on Feb. 22 to review the initial draft and collect feedback. At that meeting, participants discussed the need to bring in a third-party consultant to analyze the ideas under consideration, due to the complexity and possible side effects of these changes.
  • On March 15, a revised draft of the report was sent to the Extended Gates Subcommittee for review and feedback. This draft included the recommendation to hire an industry consultant.
  • Committee members submitted input by April 14.
  • On May 4, PPAC and the Extended Gates Subcommittee met to review the recommendations, develop the scope of work to be included in a Request for Proposal (RFP) for consulting firms, and take recommendations for specific consulting firms.

Participants in the May 4 meeting agreed that the consultant should define and maintain a strict schedule of meetings and reports. The group will endeavor to have the RFP released within the next two months. The RFP may request deliverables such as:

  • Evaluation of the ability of a port-wide appointment system to maintain a roughly even split between day and night traffic.
  • Recommendations on how dual transactions (dropping off one container and picking up another during a single truck visit) could be facilitated under each alternative system.
  • Recommendations for handling regulatory, compliance and other challenges to implementing a port-wide peel-off system.

The PierPass Advisory Committee includes more than 25 leaders representing cargo owners, trucking companies, brokers, terminal operators and other stakeholders. The Extended Gates Subcommittee includes 15 additional industry stakeholders who volunteered at or after the Oct. 20 meeting.

PierPass launched the OffPeak program in 2005 to reduce severe cargo-related congestion on local streets and highways around the Los Angeles and Long Beach ports. Using a congestion pricing model, PierPass charges a Traffic Mitigation Fee (TMF) on weekday daytime cargo moves to incentivize cargo owners to use the OffPeak shifts on nights and Saturdays. The TMF also helps pay for the labor and other costs of operating the OffPeak shifts.


PierPass January 2017 Newsletter

The year ended at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach with terminal yards free of congestion, and with cargo moving efficiently in and out of the terminals and on nearby freeways, during both shifts.

Average in-terminal turn time in December 2016*:
42.9 minutes day shift
46.2 minutes night shift
*11 of 13 terminals reporting

For comparison, the average in-terminal turn time in November was 45.2 minutes for the day shift and 47.2 minutes for the night shift.

In-terminal turn time is the average amount of time a truck is inside a terminal to complete a transaction. Truck activity information is derived from RFID data, and excludes lunch hour, breaks and trouble tickets. Turn time at individual terminals will vary depending on time of day and other factors. For more information about turn times and how we measure them, please see our Q&A at http://goo.gl/PiOjBp.

Average daily moves per truck in December:
5 or more moves per day: 7%
4 moves per day: 13%
3 moves per day: 29%
2 moves per day: 33%
1 move per day: 18%

Gate moves during Peak and OffPeak shifts in December:
Total Peak gate moves: 403,107 (58%)
Total OffPeak gate moves: 289,659 (42%)

A gate move occurs when a container enters or leaves a marine terminal via the truck gates. Peak shifts are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. OffPeak shifts are weeknights from 6:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. and on Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

All terminals were closed on Sunday, Dec. 25, for the Christmas holiday, and some terminals were closed for one or both shifts on Monday, Dec. 26.